
Monday, March 14, 2011


Water is very important for Life. we need it to drink, to cook, to plants and for many other things.
Without water people and animal would go thristy and the plants would die.
States of Water
1) Liquid:
Liquid water is found in many places rain and the running water in a river or sea are the examples of liquid water
2) Solid:
Ice, Snow and Frost are the examples of Solid water
3) Gaseous:
Water in the liquid state may change to water in the gaseous state.
Importance of Water:
Water is very necessary for Life, every living think contains the maximum of water, so all the human beings, Animals and Plants need water in a great quantity.
If you want to live a active and healthy life then you should increase the rate of water intake in a day, Drink the water as much as you can.
Water is the best Medicine for all diseases and illnessess and its not costly like some healthy products. by using of it you will be very active and fast and you will never feel dullness and weakness.
How we can save water from Pollution?
Now a days it is a very serious problem how we do save water from pollution.....
Major Reasons
It is too difficult to save water from pollution, because this is the age of industrilization and moderanization, all factories, industries and household sewerage water is thrown into water bodies.
A lot of chemicals are wasted away from land and added into water. Massive use of Sprays and fertilizations the crops for better yeild is laso taking part in the pollution of water.
there is need that every one realize the importance of water and use it carefully.
All factories and Industries should throw their polluted water after the treatment of that water.
Farmers should manure Sprays, carefully on the crops.
In this way no excessive spray is fallen the soil and not it in turn polluted water.

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